Czech national identification number generator

With the help of this tool, you can generate a Czech personal number for testing purposes. Specifications such as the age and gender of the person will help you to generate numbers more precisely and test edge cases in your application. Also, you can generate a txt file with 0 - 100 Czech personal numbers.

Generated personal number:


Birth date: 14.4.1989

Gender: Man


Generate file

Amount of numbers:

Everything you need to know about Czech personal numbers

How are czech identity numbers are being generated, how to validate them, and what do they consist of

Overall information about Czech birt numbers

Overview information

The Czech Republic assigns a unique numerical identifier, known as the personal number, to its citizens and residents. This number is governed by the law č. 133/2000 Sb. The personal number reveals the person's date of birth and gender. Slovakia also employs a similar numerical identifier with the same format. The personal number comprises either 9 or 10 digits.